shading on the ground is needed and cleanup on that dust effect, but yeah that's def a cool action pose
shading on the ground is needed and cleanup on that dust effect, but yeah that's def a cool action pose
i dont know how to do the dust effect so i just whateves with it lmao
yoooo you actually took my advice
and you're really getting into shading/lighting!
I fkin love you man
nice, but sharpen those lines boi
Yes sir!
Dam, that's an inspiration considering I'm using aseprite rn
must've been a big canvas
idk how but you made her look younger
i'D sWiTcH oVeR fOr YoU aNyDaY
you can draw on Powerpoint? o.0
regardless, needs sharpening with an eraser and arms are too long again (nice self-portrait though)
1) Yes, you can draw on (full) PowerPoint. You'd need to plug in a tablet before then opening the software to unlock the Draw function.
2) I could do to use a thinner pen. Erasers work very differently on PowerPoint.
3) That's my actual arm span you're talking about.
there's so much hidden beauty in even simplistic shapes.
Her legs/arms are literal rectangles, yet it's oddly appealing in this artwork
huh, I should make more stuff with 2 lightsources too. Seems more vibrant
I like drawing things
Joined on 5/29/14