Not agaaaaaaain
Not agaaaaaaain
Luffy, your ship is being sentient again
his ears always creeped me out
I heard if you call em a pervert 3 times before they get to you, they snap their fingers and leave
talented as always
barely anyone mains her. But when they do; it's hell.
cool avian-like helmet
nice tits
Dude... Thanks!
I grewded them myself.
It feels like he's been traumatized/doesn't understand Blackhat enough to even consider going against him. While fighting other heroes, he's under the constant fear of messing up which I think hinders his true potential as a master-class supervillain
I know...poor guy.
I see the character's potential, and there is just alot of really cool stuff he can really duke out if he wanted to
De-de-de about to de-de-dunk
I like drawing things
Joined on 5/29/14