love the eyes
love the eyes
Thank you ^w^
go full colored line-art or go full inked. Don't in-between
I tried this once on other pieces and it often doesn't work out at all, this ended up being the best solution. It's not displayed well here, but then again this was a 40 min piece lmfao
Really cool design! Though I can tell you struggled adding details judging by that blur.
Your anatomy is good aside from the head. You also put a lot more details on the rest of the piece, that the head stands out with its minimal details.
Overall you should find an alternative to that blur tool.
Thank you for the feedback! ^^ yea i'll admit it is a guilty habit of mine sometimes with the head sizes and using blurs, but always trying new ways =3 Thanks so much ^^
Sick perspective!
anatomy a bit wonky. Also he's more muscular
thanks thats what i was thinking too next time i'll try to nail it down
legs dont feel so centered
yeah I can see that, thank you
Nice LoZ Triad Illuminato
I feel like the women one should be last as a punch-line, though they're both rly rly good
yes, well I wanted to put them in chronological order, but that will make more sense when I start publishing the comic.
look up how to do skirt folds, they rly don't work like that
Oop okay
underwhelming use of colors light/shade/texture
can you specify or suggest a way to improve the light/shade/texture of this piece?
so I can have a better idea of what to do next.
I like drawing things
Joined on 5/29/14