extremely well-done. critique being the head perfectly looking dead-on the camera
extremely well-done. critique being the head perfectly looking dead-on the camera
She'd ready to kill the camera man.
cute goth girls
those r the best ones
not enough perspective on knuckle's metal bracing on the shoe
also some folds and creases on his right-side palm from forming a fist
one of sonic's arm is unrendered
though a majority of these are in the corners/outside the point of attention, so they could be stylistic and intentional. Very well done indeed
I'll try to spend more time on the planning phase, hopefully to circumvent these mistakes in the future. Thank you for your criticism
Looks really great!
Hope you expand on the shading, it seems to be a mild weakness on some of your pieces
Thank you.
Yes, shading is my biggest short coming..
Also I'm having an issue with this pic.. on my pc screen it looks fine, but on my phone the skin colour looks yellow
critique is maybe adding "damage" to the sword and bandage
damage means rust spots, smudges, dirt, tare, etc. But this could take away from the Sonic feel, which is usually very polished and clean
Yeah, that could have helped add to the "edge" factor, too. Plus, it can be fun working in details like that.
is it better in your opinion? CSP that is
(love the quality so far)
TBH they're both very similar, but I think CSP is objectively better for artists than PS. There are a couple more quality of life tools that I really appreciate (a functioning line tool and fill tool), plus the default brushes are way better IMO. It's always been such a struggle for me to paint in PS, but this was leagues easier. Not to mention CSP is just cheaper, the only reason I've been using PS in the first place is because my dad is a photographer and he gives me access to his adobe account.
nice tits
Dude... Thanks!
I grewded them myself.
It feels like he's been traumatized/doesn't understand Blackhat enough to even consider going against him. While fighting other heroes, he's under the constant fear of messing up which I think hinders his true potential as a master-class supervillain
I know...poor guy.
I see the character's potential, and there is just alot of really cool stuff he can really duke out if he wanted to
nice flats though a peculiar way to hold a hammer
thanks ^^ kinda screwed myself over with the second one. can't really hold a long hammer by the tip, so holding it by the head makes sense. on hindsight, I coulda angles the and a bit down
I like drawing things
Joined on 5/29/14