Lovely design, though lacking shade though it is stylistic without one. I'm curious how her ears fold within the helmet however. It also feels like her head would need to shrink to fit too
Lovely design, though lacking shade though it is stylistic without one. I'm curious how her ears fold within the helmet however. It also feels like her head would need to shrink to fit too
The lineart on her without the helmet was more of an exercise on my quality of lineart, I see what u mean tho
It's two of my favorite characters! higher ratings if you included more bold shading.
Also Nico's hat doesn't sit too properly on her head, it's being flown upwards which doesn't make sense considering her ears are still intact just fine
ooh good point =v = thanks !
I don't mean to be a downer, but sketches and B&W in general tend to look better than quickly-done colored artworks
Well the color took longer than the b&w
that's adorable! though the cardboard box isn't equivalently sizes on both sizes, even with the justification of perspective and depth
considering how random and silly she is and her items are, I expected the most ludicrous of items to be properly rendered and shaded in the back to "pop out" much like Tem
I haven't realized how off the perspective was until you told me, thank you! Yeah, looking at it now, if I were to redraw it I would have definitely fixed the perspective and the item placement. I appreciate the critique I'm glad
Max's eye color is just black though, but you might be onto something by making it orangish
Sam doesn't feel like he's putting his hands under his pocket, as much as under his shirt which also doesn't make much sense
there's a lot of lines and shades that could use sharpening by using an eraser on the tips
Sam's tie doesn't emmit any shade aside from the bottom, which give us the idea that the lighting is coming from the ceiling. However, that's contradicted by Max's head and ears which say bottom. Max's foot also say the lighting is coming from the top however. There's a ton of contradiction and confusion on where the light is coming from
I know I was referencing some piece of artwork with Max's eye color but I'll be damned if I can find it again.
I'll keep that in mind for Sam's arm, I was referencing the model sheet when I positioned it like that, but I got the overlap with the coat and the positioning completely wrong.
I agree, Max's ears and ear insides were giving me a good deal of grief, I could stand to touch them up a bit.
Ill look up more shading references in the future in order to get it down pat. There are a lot of logistics to making shading look good so tackling that subject is a beast I am not looking forward to confronting. Thank you for all your feedback mate, it is ALWAYS appreciated and feel free to comment on my other stuff if you'd like.
love the design, though the overall rendering felt rushed. You can cheese-out on things far in the background, but you shouldn't for things close to the camera. Example; those 2-3 eggs on the sides
Thanks my dude! I totally see what you mean I feel like I should definitely rework it alot
very cute character, however the rendering on the phone and booth in general could've used 5 more minutes of slight smoothening
the phone doesn't hang too naturally either
noted, appreciate the critique
That's pretty cool, I had a very similar type of character/enemy in mind but you did it way better. Kudos for your creativity
Thanks! I bet you would have done a great job too haha
The blast shading on the left-side gun is behind the gun, and you seemed very confused on whether you wanted a simple dark line-art, or colored as I see the hand on the right having both which defies the rest of the piece. The shading and lighting such as the finger lines and neck could be sharpened with an eraser.
If all of those were present, it would've been a 4 to 4.5 stars from me
thank you very much for the feedback!!
yea, i'll take that in mind with my next drawings.
feels a bit rushed on the shade, but a very lovely character concept sheet. Way more welcoming with the custom fonts, background, and icons than I see in other concepts (The items on the right such as the football seem very rushed however.)
thanks for the feedback!! and yeah, i never really drew a soccer ball before, so i just scribbled the pentagons lol
I like drawing things
Joined on 5/29/14